Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Mad Monster Party - A Love Story

Victoria here!  Bringing you the latest and greatest about my trip to Charlotte, NC with Miss Dish Delish.
In my previous blog you may have read about my gig at Mad Monster Party (MMP).  Now that Dish and I are back from our journey we want to..well..DISH!

Our plane departed from Detroit mid afternoon on Friday.  

The flight was so fast!  In no time we arrived in Charlotte and made our way to the Blake hotel.  Our room was super fancy!  And we had a great view of a pool we couldn't use because it wouldn't stop raining.

We were so excited to be there!  We had to hop down to get our passes at once so we could go into the convention.  Because, after all, I had no idea where I was performing or an exact time.  Answers, people!  Well answers and this............
Ya know.  Just hanging with celebrities.  Livin' the dream.  Chris Sarandon, for example.  He's part of Victoria's inappropriate dreams. *nomnomnomnom*  But that's not all!  Dish got to meet the man who is her boyfriend but doesn't know it yet.  His name is Bill Mosely.  Look him up.
After we met with our boyfriends to let them know that we existed, we headed to the Carolina room to get a good look at the dance space.  We didn't take pictures of that because..well..umm..we didn't think that part through.  With no time to spare we headed up to our ultra cool room to get ready.  Remember my boyfriend Chris Sarandon?  Well he's in this little movie (okay, really popular horror movie) called Fright Night and my dance was a tribute to that film.  I was playing the role of Amy who is the love interest of Jerry Dandridge.  But I had to be burlesque Amy - the result was this.

And then, while Dish and I were doing this photo shoot in the hall, a random drunk man came to sit in on the session.

Time to perform!  I had the honor of performing within Dr. Scream's Spook Show Revival!  It was such a treat.  What a talented group of people!  If you like, you can see my actual performance here.

I was overwhelmed by the amount of people there, how many people liked what I did and wanted photos and an autograph.  I'm always in awe of how wonderful fans can be.

The rest of the weekend Dish and I partied pretty hard.  Let the photos speak for themselves!

A god damned $13 biscuit and does nobody in this town drink unsweeetned tea?!?

OMG Panera!  We have to get back to our boyfriends.  Bring me my SOUPPPPP!

Once the rage settles down we can enjoy these gorgeous flowers.

...and Dish can be serving up Kermit realness on this rock.

Like I said: Cutest. Dancer. Ever.

In fact, the only thing cuter than Dish Delish is Dish Delish with a tiny mouse.

Presenting an actual screen used car from the 1983 hit "Christine"

Scooby was in the Mysery Machine.  Givin' Dish the eye.

We went to Pinky's for dinner along with the Save The Chapel crew.  This dinosaur wanted some hush puppies.  

Dish hides from Angus Scrimm who is the scariest man alive.

God, zombies are lazy these days.  They just pose for pictures.

A knock on the door at 1am and someone whispering softly?  At a horror convention?  OMGDONTANSWERIT

Had all of Michael Myers victim's just been fierce he would have stopped in his tracks.  Maybe all he wanted was a manicure?

This guy.

Here we are with the fine folks from Fix the Evans City Cemetery Chapel!

Thank you all for supporting us in our journey.  Cheers!


Victoria NightShade

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mad Monster Party - THE HOUSE DOWN!

When you think of The Fischer Bodies there are probably a few things that come to mind.  Glitter, sure - but we've also got quite a reputation for putting together macabre, sexy shows.  Many of us love the horror genre so it just sort of happens.  Ya know.  Like this.

You're welcome.

Anyway, a couple of weeks ago I was perusing the ole' Facebook, dreaming of attending this horror convention in North Carolina.  It's called Mad Monster Party.  ZOMG!  Guests include Rutger Hauer, Brad Dourif, Angus Scrimm(or as I like to call him "Panic Attack Tall Man"), Bill Moseley, Linda Blair and of course my personal favorite Chris Sarandon.  Ummmmmm I WANNAGOTOTHISCONVENTIONSOBAD!  Plus a walk through a haunted house with a celebrity?!  Seriously.  How many people do I have to kill?  7?  Fine.

And then, through the strangest happenings and with the help of loyal fans and friends, I have my plane ticket and am set to not only go but to perform.  BAM!

Ya see, I happened to have this handy little "Fright Night" number in my back pocket.  It was something I got to do for our "Like OMG totally 80's" show.  And MMP just happened to have two stars from that film at their convention.  And I just happen to mention my desire to perform this and they just happened to say yes.  This was the face I made.  Then I did a little dance. (P.S I am not the real Kyra Schon)

The planning and plotting began.  The next day I got my plane ticket.  Okay.  So this is happening.
The day after that I tried to get my hotel.  DRATS!  Sold out of rooms!
I appealed to my new friends in a horror conventions group and it just so happens that one of them had to give up her room and, with a series of phone calls and elevator music, I got the very last room available in the hotel.  Hot.  Damn.

Costume: check
Makeup: check
Glitter: check
Wet Naps: check(don't ask)

All those things were great but..but..but..I have to go alone?  Okay!  I'll make new friends - I said to myself. 

 Except wait!!!!! 

Who should come to save the day but fellow Fischer Body and resident cutie pants Dish Delish!! And then guess what face we made?

Sexy, sexy happiness.

Dish has threatened to wear a female version of Roddy Piper's costume from "They Live".  So, if you needed a reason to attend this thing I just gave it to you.  Should we hand out sunglasses and if you look through them all you see is everyone covered in glitter? (heh)

I'll be posting more as events warrant.  Expect incredible amounts of pics.

Victoria NightShade

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Welcome to our board!

We have a lot to say - GIRL!  So we've decided to start this fabulous blog as a way to keep in touch with friends and fans.  You can expect posts ranging from makeup tips (really, how DO you create the perfect smoky eye?) to upcoming gigs and events.

Please check back often.  Now go forth.  And be F I E R C E.